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Oluwabusola Ajagbe

Photo of Oluwabusola Ajabe standing with right arm on hip
Oluwabusola Ajagbe
Michigan State University College of Natural Science
Dean's Research Scholar

In my own words

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More about me

What is your hometown?

Lagos, Nigeria

What is your major and anticipated graduation?

Neuroscience; 2025

How did you decide to attend MSU?

I decided to attend MSU after getting rejected from other schools I had applied to.

How did you select your major?

I selected Neuroscience as my major after taking an Anatomy and Physiology class in high school and falling in love with learning about the human body.

Can you describe your research?

Chronic pain is known to affect people globally. My research investigates the effect of sex hormones on the resolution and expression of inflammatory pain in mice. If we can understand how sex hormones impact pain, new strategies can be created to treat chronic pain more effectively.

What is the societal impact of your research?

The societal impact of my research is that it will aid in looking for specific ways to treat pain which will
help reduce the opioid crisis.

How has your undergraduate experience been impacted by this experience?

I am really grateful that I had the opportunity to experience research first hand because it has taught me how to better collaborate with others, how to interpret and communicate my findings, how to multitask and stay on top of my tasks, and to understand that consistently repeating a test or procedure does not necessarily mean that I am bad at the research but rather that consistent data is needed to push a finding ahead and that repetition helps me become better at a skill or procedure. Working in a research lab helped me to see and experience what it takes to be a researcher and has shown me other career options in my major that I can pursue aside from going to medical school which has brought me joy. Participating in research has helped broaden my knowledge of the science field and has given me the opportunity to experience what it is like to work in the research world, which in turn has led to my deepened love for science.

Of everything you have experienced at MSU, what has surprised you the most/what is something you never expected?

I never expected to become an Intercultural aide or to like community bathrooms. Something that has surprised me the most about MSU is how there are so many students on campus but yet I can run into at least one person I know, either personally or in passing, anywhere I am on campus.

If your little brother/sister was coming to MSU, what is one piece of advice you would give them?

College is a place to discover yourself and giving yourself the grace to make mistakes is okay because making mistakes is part of growing up. Try all the dining halls at least once; explore campus and get involved in clubs because it can help in meeting people or finding community.

Person/People who have inspired you?

My Parents who have made me where I am today and who constantly encourage me to pursue my dreams and to never give up.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself in the 3rd year of medical school deciding on a specialty to focus on or in my 1st year of my PHD program on MD-PHD track.

Where do you see yourself in 25 years

I see myself as a physician-scientist working to help care for patients and researching ways to better treat diseases.

What are some of your favorite MSU memories?

Working as an Intercultural Aide (ICA) which has led me to meet so many wonderful people; participating in Spartan Day of service as I got to interact with people and give back to the community; going to the gym every morning at 6 am with my friend Maddie; attending campus organized events with my friends and getting to interact with other students at these events.

What is the Importance of this scholarship to you personally and to your future career?

As a Dean’s Research Scholar, I aim to learn how to better communicate my research to diverse people and to explore the science world while meeting diverse people. My goal is to share my experience in research with others and inspire students to explore the field of research.

Person you would most like to meet (living or dead)?

Paul the Apostle

On a Saturday afternoon, what would we likely find you doing?

Getting ahead on the coming weeks activities and homework

What major research breakthrough of the next decade (not your own, but overall) do you think we will see?

Greater adaptation of energy efficient transportation in the world.

Plans after graduation?

After graduating, I plan on taking a gap year to gain more clinical and research experience while applying to medical school.