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Samantha Velasquez Rivertte

Samantha Velasquez
Samantha Velasquez Rivertte
Michigan State University College of Natural Science
Dean's Research Scholar

Major and anticipated graduation: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2026

Hometown: Lima, Peru

How did you decide to attend MSU: Having dedicated 13 years of my life to tennis, my dream was to continue playing at a US university. Accordingly, I applied to several Division 1 tennis programs. Simultaneously, I submitted applications to universities like MSU as a regular student. Upon receiving my acceptance letter, I discovered that I had been awarded an academic scholarship, opening the door for me to pursue my scientific interests at MSU instead.

How did you select your major: Observing Peru's staggering COVID-19 death toll, the highest in the world at one point during the pandemic, served as a stark wake-up call. It highlighted the critical need to incorporate perspectives from diverse backgrounds among our scientific community. Neglecting to do so limits our ability to effectively tackle the intricate health challenges we face today.

Describe your research: My project is all about studying Vitamin D and other substances in the blood to see if they might tell us about health risks for certain groups of people who are very vulnerable to health issues.

What is the societal impact of your research: My research will help future researchers and physicians assess the clinical significance of vitamin D metabolites  in human neurological development and function by investigating the impact in their dietary deficiencies.

 How has your undergraduate experience been impacted by this experience: Delving into research at MSU has evolved into my central passion throughout the past year. Research gave me confidence in my capacity to make meaningful contributions to the scientific community through hands-on engagement with real-world scientific inquiry. The experiences I had through research motivated me to strive for global academic and professional recognition, as I actively seek opportunities to connect and collaborate with esteemed faculty and leaders in my field Also, research pushes me to expand my network and engage with diverse perspectives, I am continuously broadening my research horizons and refining my career trajectory.

 Of everything you have experienced at MSU, what has surprised you the most/what is something you never expected: I was surprised that MSU is an intuition not only big on research but big on encouraging their undergrads into that research.

If your little brother/sister was coming to MSU, what is one piece of advice you would give them:  Despite encountering obstacles along the way, your journey at MSU will give you unforgettable moments, thrilling prospects, enduring connections, and a defined path forward. 

Person/People who have inspired you: My dad

Person I’d most like to meet (living or dead): My grandfather

On a Saturday afternoon, you’ll likely find me: In the lab or playing tennis

Major research breakthrough of the next decade (not your own, but overall): Black holes

Plans after graduation: PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology

Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Half-way through my PhD

Where do you see yourself in 25 years: Working in pharmaceutical industry

What are some of your favorite MSU memories: Late nights with my friends/tennis practice/research conferences

Importance of this scholarship to you personally and to your future career: This scholarship will be pivotal in amplifying my ability to partake in research activities that will not only augment my research skills but also lay the foundation for a prospective Ph.D., shaping a future where I can contribute meaningfully to my field.

  • Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Favorite food: Cebiche
  • Best song/group: Bacilos
  • Book I’d recommend: One Hundred Years of Solitude
  • Coolest gadget: Smartphones
  • Best invention: Vaccines
  • Worst invention: ThighMaster
  • On my bucket list: Bungee jumping

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